The Structure of Language and How It Shapes Our Understanding and Thought

In describing the conceptual typewriter program for computer display and button console, Carl Fernbach-Flarsheim used the instructional elements of the program partially from the basic trigrams of the I-CHING and adapted the symbolism of characters found in the Egyptian Book of The Dead.  He had attended lectures on the KOTOTAMA and took note of the relationship of the sounds and the nodes of the mind.

The perception of phenomena and language and the retelling from memory all act in harmony with the human brain and different hemispheres are active depending on experience, educational training and talent, as well as the physical differences of our five senses.   The science in breaking down a human being in elements takes on a whole different meaning in the philosophical than in the bio-medical.

This study concentrated on what is found in the physical senses, the action of memory and knowledge, the meaning of spiritual light; imagination, possibility, art, religion, and perhaps sentimental love.  Also considered elements in highest moral judgement or love, and the life will (the essence of human substance).  The activity in these terms is the interplay of the human Life Will, I will therefore I am (self-awareness) and the Life Will of human substance, I choose therefore I move (that part of being human that is not measurable but is nevertheless the part of the equation in the total make-up of the elemental forces).

There are two driving forces that also are a part of the discussion, the manifested and the un-manifested phenomena, our awareness of that which we can see and measure and that which we cannot see but is the piece that is “desire” before it becomes “the energy.”   This movement is augmented by forces in elements found in the past and elements of the present.

In this understanding the process of the right lobe of the brain responds to world reality as through perception, likened to a looking glass.  From the left lobe of the brain, the world reality operates as rationalization and the need for explanations (the explanation I choose to give to myself).   When reduced to the KOTOTAMA sounds the meaning becomes a series of conceptual modalities “light” holds the “space,” and “manifests out.”

In its simplest form we can perceive the idea that light reveals the phenomena.  The phenomena is the existence of the form or value in terms of volume, matter and energy.  It is the character of existence in the terms of what activity is being observed.  In this form, we then create containers for storage of the information in terms of memory.

Ke Ta Yi Me Hu

Ke: the expansion of will, Ta: to acknowledge the spiritual energy of the form. Yi the Higher Judgement taking the form of expression (Me). Hu: the physical understanding with the physical senses of the action, energy and form that is taking place.  In this case the interpretation could mean a human being walking, (the arrow around “Ta” represents the beginning and end of a journey) who is taking in the beauty of a sunrise (the arrows are pointing upwards as the sphere “Yi” represents the light).




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